Legal mention


General structure of the website

The general structure of the Inifite Museum website is the exclusive property of the MMI students of the IUT Sénart-Fontainebleau of the Groupe G BUT2 2022/2023. Any reproduction, any total or partial representation, any use, any adaptation, any provision or modification of its elements by any process whatsoever, by any person whatsoever and by any means whatsoever (in particular the sale, marketing, rental, etc.) without the express authorization of the MMI students of the IUT Sénart-Fontainebleau, of any authors or of their successors in title is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code. Content of the website

Contenu du site internet

The MMI students of the IUT Sénart-Fontainebleau are assignees of the intellectual property rights and/or holder of the operating authorizations necessary for the dissemination on the website of scientific, cultural and educational content. This content includes in particular texts, images, photographs, sound, audiovisual or multimedia documents, without this list being exhaustive.

Consequently, any reproduction, any total or partial representation, any use, any adaptation, any provision or modification of these contents by any process whatsoever, by any person whatsoever and by any means whatsoever (in particular the sale, marketing, rental, etc.) without the express authorization of the authors or their successors in title is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code.

Photo credits

The photographs credited © Inifite Museum […] are the exclusive property of MMI students from the IUT Sénart-Fontainebleau and are used by the Louvre Museum with the authorization of their authors or assignees.
The photographs credited © Deep / […] are the property of Groupe G. Any non-commercial reuse is authorized provided the source and author are acknowledged.
For any commercial and/or editorial reuse of images from the collections of the Infinity Museum, or of the scenography of exhibitions and other cultural events organized by the Infinity Museum, please contact the MMI Student Photographic Agency.

Trademarks and logos

The trademarks of the public establishment of the Inifite Museum and its partners, including the logos appearing on the website, are trademarks and registered with intellectual property offices and are, as such, protected by a industrial property right.

Any total or partial reproduction of these brands and/or these logos made from elements of the website without the express authorization of their owners is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code.


In accordance with articles L.321-1 and L.322-1 of the Code of relations between the public and the administration, the informative and programming content of this site is public information whose reuse is free, on the condition that these latest are not altered, that their meaning is not distorted, and that their sources and the date of their last update are mentioned.

No transfer of ownership of public information is made for the benefit of the reuser. The latter has a personal and non-exclusive right to reuse this public information. Any person reusing public information in violation of the aforementioned prescriptions is liable to a fine imposed by the commission for access to administrative documents.


The Inifite Museum makes every effort to ensure the availability, accuracy and updating of the information disseminated on the "" site, for which it reserves the right to right to correct, at any time and without notice, the content. However, the Inifite Museum cannot guarantee the availability, accuracy, updating or completeness of the information thus made available. The use of the information contained on this site is the sole responsibility of its user.

The Inifite Museum is not responsible for the content of said other sites, and will not be held liable for any damage or prejudice arising therefrom. Links to other sites are provided to users solely as a convenience.